As I walked back to Clore after work, I ran into Ran, and he convinced me to accompany him on an errand to buy a router. Since I was planning on going on some errands myself, this did not take much effort. He found what he was looking for immediately, then moved on to a cheap clothing store where he found some adequate shorts. I was planning on starting with some clothing shopping myself, so we parted as he found an ATM and I entered a slightly nicer shop.
I was unsuccessful, though, and not really in the proper shopping mood, so I decided to head to the grocery store, which was across the street at this point. Among the things I purchased was some hummus, but there was no pita to be found in the store. Luckily, or coincidentally, or surprisingly, I ran into Ran again as I left the store, and he steered me towards a bakery that had a few fresh ones left. We parted again as he turned into another store just before Clore.
After putting my groceries away, the warm pita called to me, so I snacked on the hummus for a bit. It was delicious and so I didn't accompany a group heading out for shwarma, even though I have yet to have some since I got here (almost 7 weeks ago!). I asked Ari to bring one back, and went to Wix to sit with Stephen and Zvonimir as they ate (I was full already). Ari joined us, bearing shwarma, and being the kind and generous soul I am, I brought it to Nitzan who was still working on homework in Perlman. I then rejoined the gang as they finished their meals, and we all went back to Clore to rally the troops for the impending adventure.
The group, composed of Ari, Rachel, Zvonimir, Stephen, Jordan, Dan, the other Dan, Michael, Tanmay and I, began our walk to the mall for an evening at the movies. We made good time, and had enough spare time to purchase tickets and food before sitting down. Jordan, Tanmay, Jordan's friend Dan and I saw Wall-E, while the others (most of whom had seen it already) caught the Zohan movie (which I happened to have already seen that one). Wall-E was wonderful. Everyone who has told me the primary descriptor of the film is "cute" was absolutely accurate.
When we got out, we waited a few minutes for those in the other movie to join us, and all walked back together. Many of us just chilled in the lobby once we got back, and after a bit Ari grabbed his laptop and we watched The Office before finally heading off to bed.
Anyways, here are some more pictures from this weekend...
I want to see Wall-E!! Maybe eventually I will get around to it.
Silly question probably, but does McDonald's have kosher options there?
Hope you're well! I've missed out chats. :-(
Not a silly question at all! Yes, there are kosher McDonalds places here, and they are marked as such. Of course, they are meat, so they can't serve real ice cream (you can't mix milk and meat).
I will try to find a picture of a kosher one for you!
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