For the first time so far this summer, I overslept my alarm, waking up at 9:50. Oops. I showered very fast and made it to work by 10:15, which turned out not to be the worst thing ever because once I got there I realized I had absolutely nothing to do. I sat around, sort of graphing my data but mostly talking with XiaoMeng, who was also very bored. I won't lie; facebook happened.
A bit later, I ate lunch with Zvonimir, Ari, and Jonathan, without planning on it, at San Martin, which was interesting due to a funny comment of Jonathan's, addressed to Zvonimir: "Do you have facebook in Croatia?" What he meant to ask was whether it was popular and used, but the ensuing discussion of Croatia's recent acquisition of electricity and clean water was amusing.
The afternoon was spent shooting the breeze and being bored again, so I left early and went shopping! Oh retail therapy. I bought a few cute things and returned to the dorms, where I found Zvonimir watching some YouTube videos. After a few minutes, though, I headed to my room to discover the sad fact that I had left my climbing shoes under my a/c, with the hopes they'd air out faster, and had left my a/c on by accident, which of course meant that the puddle/flood had surrounded and permeated my shoes. I grabbed some clothespins from a laundry line on the 4th floor and hung them out to dry on the roof...hopefully they aren't permanently damaged.
I then took an unintentional nap, with my door open and lights on, until around 8:30, when we were supposed to leave for the Euro championship game. We were heading to Hertzl Bar, but planned on getting there early and ordering dinner to get good spots. Of course when we arrived we discovered that all the outdoor street-level tables had been reserved, so we crammed onto a small balcony to get an almost equivalent view. When we arrived, we had six people, but eventually 10 were sitting or standing around our small table. It was a great game (and Spain beat Germany, in case you are in the US where these things aren't really followed), and a really fun atmosphere.
Afterwards, we returned to Clore to join in on Dave's goodbye party (Dave, this is the first in a string of tags for you, really!). We just hung out in the lobby and right outside the front door of the building, drinking a bit and saying our goodbyes on film for his farewell video. I think that will be a hilarious documentary! I also gave Nitzan the CD I had made for him, which I had so cleverly forgotten to bring to work. When I shared with him my climbing shoes lament, he made the excellent point that they can't possibly smell any worse, which was some comfort. Eventually the party had wound down a bit, but was still going relatively strong when I decided to retire for the night. I chatted with Ari in the kitchen for a few minutes before turning in. All in all, a good day.
2 days ago
It was nice to chat with you this morning!
No pictures today. Sad. :-(
The game was actually on ABC over here, though I don't know how many people other than me watched it. Go Torres!
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