So around 1 pm, I went to San Martin, a meat cafeteria on campus, to eat. I was alone, but I ran into Ran (the guy who took us salsa dancing) and a friend of his, so I sat with them. As we were leaving, we ran into Doron and Jonathan, and together they all convinced me to come to the math building at 3:30 for their daily cookie/coffee break.
I worked on the images for another hour-ish, then headed over. Joel was also there, as well as Anna, a Russian girl, and someone else whose name I don't remember, both of whom are also in our program and who I think got here relatively recently. We chatted and munched for about a half hour, then I returned to work.
After a few more images, I started compiling and plotting my data. So far it is telling me close to, but a bit more than, nothing. I hope to meet with my professor next week to discuss it, brief him on my method, and see if he wishes me to continue this way. Towards 5, I got bored and did two chapters in the hebrew book I ordered from Amazon (I am borrowing Stephen's copy until mine gets here, because I wanted to get started). I left at quarter of six.
On the way home I called Nina, who I had met climbing, about a supposed pick-up soccer game. She said there was indeed one scheduled for 6, but that she wouldn't be there; Germany was playing in the UEFA Euro championships at 7. She said that to get there, we just needed to walk along the main road on campus, past the accelerator, and eventually we'd see people.
As I was leaving, I ran into Ari, also hoping to play soccer, and Jordan, who was heading there for the ultimate frisbee game. It was a bit of a hike down the main campus road, but we weren't late. The soccer people were mostly very late, so we all warmed up by playing ultimate frisbee with the frisbee people. Eventually someone arrived with a ball. We retrieved the goals from the bushes, assembled them, recruited one person from the frisbee-ers to make the teams even, then played a bit of 4 v 4 for about an hour and a half. As the frisbee people left, some came to play with us. As night fell and we were finishing up, we were up to 6 v 6. Once it was too dark to play, we put away the goals and began the walk back.
Ari and I, being brilliant, had not brought water. We walked past the dorm and off campus to grab liquids (water for me, this awesome mango stuff for him) from the convenience store across the street, then decided to grab some food. After trekking to a schwarma place only to find that it was closed (by this time it was around 9), we backtracked and got some pizza. They also had gelato, but we went next door, where the gelato looked yummier. Ari got lemon; I tried this caramel stuff and HAD to have it, and got triple chocolate as well. It was ok, but the caramel was to DIE for.
Upon our return, I discovered the night's bruises and showered. Then there was a chilling/computer-using party in the kitchen; Stephen, Jordan, Tamara and I checked e-mail and played each other musical selections. Guess whose music wasn't very popular? Well, me and Jordan, actually (not just me, those of you reading this who think my music is weird - I'm looking at you, Ben). Anyways, we made some weekend plans and then I went to bed.
So below, the first picture is double-walled carbon nanotubes, and the second is a multi-walled nanotube. What I do is measure the wall thicknesses, and also the inner radius of the tubes. I have developed ways of automating the process, because as you can imagine from the second image, as the number of walls increases (some of my images are up to 24 walls), the task becomes overwhelming. Both of these images come from the website of our nanotube supplier, NanoLab.

1 comment:
Cookie and coffee....sounds like my kind of break! :-)
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